Organization of volunteer activity in Ukraine: paradoxes of legitimation and legalization

Kochyn Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

The main paradox of the organization of volunteer activity is the legitimation of ways of formation, management and activity of volunteer organizations based on traditions. The Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering” No 3236 provided an opportunity to regulate these relations to some extent (establishing the status of a volunteers, there rights and guarantees of activities; volunteering forms). However, another paradox is the fragmentary nature of the limits of legal influence and the search for volunteers to find other ways to achieve public (collective) interests. The realization of the right to freedom of association both in the institutional form (legal entity) and in other forms (contractual, joint activities) provides an opportunity to form different types of relations. Trends in the development of this legal institution are analyzed, as well as ways to overcome the paradoxes of the legal status of volunteer organizations.

Рекомендоване посилання:

Kochyn V. V. Organization of volunteer activity in Ukraine: paradoxes of legitimation and legalization [On-line resourse]. Ius Privatum (legal doctrine and practice / правова доктрина і практика). 2021. № 1-2. С. 43-62. URL: (Дата звернення: 19.10.2024).