The Fact in Proof in Cases Arising From Copyright Relations in Ukrainian Theory and Practice of Civil Proceeding

Shtefan O. O.

This practical scientific article is devoted to the fact in proof (subject of proof) in cases arising from copyright relations. The definition of the fact in proof in civil cases is among the most controversial issues of the Ukrainian theory of civil procedural law. The author analyzes the formation and development of modern Ukrainian concept of evidence and proof in civil litigation in which the fact in proof holds one of the key places. The subject of proof on a particular civil case is important not only for the theory of civil procedure law, but also for litigation because the proper establishment of the fact in proof in a particular case directly impact on the result of the proceedings – the sustaining or dismissal of claims.

Keywords: proof, copyright, civil procedure, facts.

Рекомендоване посилання:

Shtefan O. O. The Fact in Proof in Cases Arising From Copyright Relations in Ukrainian Theory and Practice of Civil Proceeding [On-line resourse] // Ius Privatum (legal doctrine and practice / правова доктрина і практика). 2017. 2. P. 51-64. URL: (Date of access: 13.03.2025).